

Thinking about new looks here and here is such a delightful distraction from the bathroom tile job that is not yet finished; the kitchen countertop that is not yet underway; and the beautiful bathroom sink that arrived DAMAGED! (I said that with a low growl so that hopefully those in the customer service department will feel it in their bellies).  Maybe we all should give up on developing a new look and just invest in a pretty hair piece like the lovely lady above. Maybe my collection of Levis (and not even cool, vintage ones. Just Levis purchased at Kohls and whathaveyou) will look amazingly fresh and sweet when paired with a whimsical flower piece perched up on my head.

2 Responses to “perched”

  1. leslie Says:

    can I use one of these many mud dobber nests from my porch? Will it make me look dangerous?

  2. prairynation Says:

    I love the idea of making good use of the many mud dobbers perched on your porch. Very smart and chic. Perhaps you can throw a little flitter on one for evening wear?

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